Sunday, June 19, 2011

Am I insane?

Most probably, yes. I've signed up to IntSweMoDo 2011 (International Sweater-a-Month Dodecathon) in June with only one finished object for the year under my belt. Here are the next two, with two more well underway and plans for five more which takes me up to 10 for the year...yeeks!

First is the most recently finished, an easy knit from Louisa Harding's Blue Monday, the Tuesday tunic. Knitted in Adorn Yarns Silky Merino DK, colour Ash. I'm hoping this tunic will help me combat our rather bleak winter weather.

Again, for those of you who care...these are my first images with my new point and shoot camera the Fujipix x100. Set on raw (and having to use Adobe's DNG converter which is very annoying) and Velvia simulated saturation for a bit of film nostalgia. The lens is super, but it is quite clunky and slow just as this review says, so I for one am hanging out for a firmware update.

The other is Mandarin from Louisa Harding's Chinoiserie. This was a much slower knit...mainly because of the colour work on the cuffs and peplum. The rest was plain sailing and I used Adorn Yarns Cotton Cashmere DK, knitted a bit tighter on 3mm needles instead of the recommended 4mm on the ball band (as a loose knitter I always go down a size and for cotton I need to go down two sizes). I was a little worried that it may create too firm a fabric that would go stiff on washing, but it's just fine.

I wish my sewing was progressing as smoothly...

1 comment:

  1. you are a great advocate for leonie's yarns! if she ever gets round to doing her patten book you should offer your services for the photos!
    I love both of these and your finishing is great :) (so smooth! so lovely!)
