Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I love...

two women I've never met! Wendy Mullin and Kim Hargreaves.

(and the borrowed Canon 17mm TSE lens, but that's another story...)

First Kim Hargreaves. Although it has taken me FOREVER to finish 'Lilac' (in coral) from Breeze, finally I have. And I love it. 

The yarn is Rowan 4ply cotton from Wool Baa, the buttons are from Buttonmania in the Hamilton Building. And despite ripping it back several times to get the tension right, I'm glad I didn't give up.

My Lilac teams beautifully with the second dress I have made from Wendy Mullin's Built by Wendy Dresses (not counting the three muslins - one for each basic dress style - I whipped up first). It's a variation of the 'Valentine Dress' in Etro cotton from Tessuti. I added inseam pockets.

The first dress I made was a variation of 'Overall Improvement' in an Armani cotton.

Neither dress is anywhere near perfect (although I do love them)as I'd already cut the material to make other things before I bought the book...but I've managed to muddle through and learnt a lot in the process. 

The button is from my grandmother's button jar.

I'm I huge Wendy fan, this is the third book I've bought and used. Although she doesn't give you lots of information on how to make her patterns fit you, she does show you how to turn her basic patterns into something that's just for you. Here I am in a Wendy shirt and my new summer jeans...

Again the material is from Tessuti for both the shirt and jeans. (The shoes are from Preston Zly.)

Nearly every seam is topstitched, either in contrast of matching thread which I find makes the seams on this stretch denim hold together better. I'm really happy with them all. Thanks Wendy and Kim!

Finally, I've been buying up more of my favourite yarn...Jaggerspun Zephyr...more Kim on the way!

1 comment:

  1. I've seen your introduction over at Wardrobe Refashion and just wanted to say hi :)
    I love the grey (or is it a light purple - it's hard to tell in the picture) dress, it is so pretty! And it fits you really well. Good work! Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing your refashions!
    Greetings from Germany,
