But first the finished objects. Sloppy Joe by Sarah Hatton from Rowan Studio 12, quite my favourite at the moment!

And then my Habu scarf...I've been wondering what to do with these yarns which are so beautiful and yet so simple...a scarf seemed the most appropriate, however knitting it on 2mm needles took forever. The scarf measures 12cm by 250cm and is lovely under jackets where a bigger scarf would be too bulky.

On the needles and more than half finished is Haven by Kim Hargreaves from Heartfelt. The yarn, Karabella Margrite Bulky was on sale from kpixie.com.

A bit of a story with this, I ordered some more Margrite DK for Still by Kim Hargreaves (from Thrown Together), but they send the wrong yarn, some charcoal Margrite Bulky. When they re-shipped the original order I managed to include the green sale yarn as well! The charcoal is going to be made into a hat and some mittens!

For both Still and Ripple, also by Kim Hargreaves from Nectar, I'm pulling out two of my finished projects. For Still, the green V-neck jumper by Louisa Harding I knitted last year which is too short in the arms and the body, and Glint by Kim Hargreaves which is just too small really, and as it is made from my favourite yarn, Naturally ME, too good to waste.

Also on the needles, but much neglected at the moment in the rush to knit winter woollies is the Bow Cardigan by Sarah Hatton from Rowan Studio 12, also being knitted in Filatura Di Crosa Superior. It is a very boring knit, and something I will wear in the warmer months. I'll come back to it after I've knitted all my jumpers, scarves and hats I guess...

Also about to be cast on, and needing to be knitted to a deadline, are a couple of jumpers for a short film being made by an friend. Because she has no budget, she's bought disgusting acrylic yarn from Spotlight, but as I'm only knitting for a 10 year old girl, it shouldn't take too long. I have to knit a jumper which can unravel from the bottom and then one that is unravelled to a certain point. I thought I'd do a provisional cast on and knit the jumpers bottom up without the bottom bands and then knit the bottom band down to aid the unravelling. At least the colour is fabulous!

Also waiting to be cast on, but probably not until Spring is this beautiful Habu non-twist cotton boucle for Clemence from Louisa Harding's new book Nouveau.

I've also just ordered some Jaggerspun Wool Silk DK to knit another pattern from that book, Sabine. And there's a jacket from Thrown Together that I have to knit for Mum...
The sewing is more pressing as I'm close to running out of clothes! Here is my stash!

A jacket and a coat, a pair of lined wool pants, three woven shirts, a knit dress and three knit tops. Whew! Then I went to the new Tessuti shop in Flinders Lane run by friend Lisa and bought more! Madness!

Organic denim for jeans and a Marnie Skillings knit originally for knickers, but I think more for a top!
Time to knuckle down!
love your habu scarf and the grey sweater...so beautiful!